
Preschool on Zoom

More of the same old, same old, except it snowed quite a bit last night so the kids started the day by playing outside. My neighbor lent me his snowblower for the driveway, but I only did the front part where the mailman walks. 

Max is enrolled in a science class for 4-6 year olds. It's hilarious to watch. The kids are all 4-6 year olds, and the teacher is very animated and really keeps their attention. Today, we had to prepare by hiding objects inside of socks that the kids would use their sense of touch to identify. She sent a graphic organizer for them to record (i.e. draw) their scientific observations. Every kid seemed to love this activity. 

Laurel and I had a Scout meeting via Zoom. The girls had so many ideas about their Bronze award project, it was a little overwhelming for me to think about how to direct their energy.

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