
Weekend Bliss

I love the weekends, especially now that school is over. We can enjoy our family instead of the homework/diapers/cooking/laundry circus. Yesterday we actually accomplished a few projects around the house and even went to a barbeque at my friend Lindsay's house! I spent a good half an hour simultaneously cleaning the kitchen and playing peekaboo with her. She was literally screaming with excitement. Mark has been playing a lot of music with her, and we also discovered that the porch swing almost magically puts her to sleep.

And here's a side note on cloth diapers. Yes, we are still using them. (I am still using the original Indian unbleached prefolds that I got at my shower, although Laurel has moved on to some larger diaper covers. ) However, Laurel has recently started eating more food. Which means her poops have, err, changed. No worries, though. The sun does wonders for bleaching stains. And they look nice on my clothesline in this gorgeous weather.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My porch swing is waiting.

Love, Mary