

The grant I was working on for the past year is finishing up and I had my last day at the end of July. I am also pleased to report I got a 4.0 during the summer semester! Taking so many classes in such a short time was tough, but I think it paid off. I only have two left that are required for my degree and I'll be done. And remind me to take a few years OFF from school when I do finish up.

A lot of people are asking what my plans are, since our family will be expanding this fall. I have a part time graduate student assistant position for the upcoming school year. I will be training undergraduate students to be reading tutors, and providing support to them once they start tutoring. As part of the position, I also have to take 6 credits. Luckily I have one online class and one class that is sort of a master's level dissertation credit, so I will not have to be on campus for any of that. Part-time work in Graduate Student Land means 10 hours a week, and I can do a lot of that from home.

So while I technically have a couple of weeks off right now, I'm trying to get in the habit of being productive while working at home, and to get a head start on some of the fall projects, before I completely lose my common sense and intellect to the fog of pregnancy brain. (Yes, it's true! I am getting kind of forgetful. And also, I drop everything.)

I'm a big proponent of using a timer to keep myself on track. I used a timer all the time when I was teaching special education and it always seemed to help my students manage difficult tasks when they knew when a break was coming. So I set my watch for 30 minutes of work, and then take a 15 minute break. I know! The work to break ration seems a bit high! But oddly, I get a lot more done when I do it this way. And I also remember to eat on a regular basis, which seems to be super important in the third trimester. I am almost 30 weeks pregnant, which makes it seem like it should almost be over! I have so much to do before the baby comes. But I am pleased to have finally created a registry, something I've been putting off for say, oh, about seven months.

Last night I ran into a lady that I babysit for. She asked me if I was ready, and I told her no, but then she gave me the most reassuring advice I have heard so far...she said nobody is ever really ready, and everything will be fine anyway.

1 comment:

kxm said...

Congrats on the 4.0!

I appreciate the productivity hint, and may well try employing it myself as I venture into the world of being a full-time employee and part-time student. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. :-/

Hope to see you soon!