
Butler Outdoor Club

In all the confusion of moving, I lost my camera cable, and was unable to upload new pictures. But today, I found it, so now I can tell you all about the Butler Outdoor Club annual dinner, where M and I spoke about the Appalachian Trail. First of all, it was a terrific opportunity to invite thru-hikers to Pittsburgh, and Caveman of Ohio and Flick came to the dinner. Flick hiked with us for a few hundred miles at the beginning and Caveman hiked with us for the last few hundred miles, so it was appropriate that they should be there with us.

The Butler Outdoor Club is a great organization, that not only organizes hikes and bike trips and boating trips, but also is involved in a lot of volunteer work in the outdoor community in Western Pennsylvania. At their annual dinner, they honored four organizations who do incredible work in our region. We are very lucky to have, right in our region, things like the Butler Freeport Trail, the Audubon Society, and the the Armstrong Trail, as well as the organizations who promote water activities in Butler County. The event included a silent auction and a delicious dinner, as well as our slide show presentation about our 2007 thru-hike of the AT. The event was a great success, and we thoroughly enjoyed meeting everybody. We plan to keep this organization on our radar.

FYI, anybody can join this club, you don't have to live in Butler. Check out their website for upcoming events.


Anonymous said...

i loved the video. good way to get some perspective on your trip...


Anonymous said...

Awesome video. I even spotted myself in there. Happy holidays.
