Good News from the Bureaucrats
One thing that has been a constant source of angst and irritation for me over the past year has been my on-going battle with the excessively bureaucratic Pennsylvania Department of Education. You may remember that I actually drove three and a half hours to the state capital for a 15 minute meeting in August.
Luckily, they liked what I had to say. Fifteen weeks later, I finally received my letter saying that the initial rejection was overturned and I am deemed qualified enough to teach the good children of Pennsylvania! This is especially good since I am currently in a grad program that requires certification and in fact my degree would have been rather useless without this little piece of paper from the state. Just in time for Thanksgiving, so I have something else to be thankful for.
yeah! congratulations. kj
Congratulations Katy. I can't think of a more qualified person to teach children of any age.
Love, Aunt DC
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