Holiday Time
It's been a pretty chill December so far. Laurel and I read a Christmas Carol and finished her unit on the Industrial Revolution (2 thumbs down to child labor and debtor's prison, says Laurel). We watched the Muppet version, and I wanted to watch some other ones, but my kids are so freaked out about ghosts! They even considered the Muppet version to be too scary. We discussed the book in our Aunt Niece Book Club, which meets once a month on zoom, and one of the highlights of the month. Thank you so much to my aunts for showing up every month for it, since like April 2020.
12/19/2021 05:49:00 PM
Max is 6!
He's still as cuddly as ever, so don't worry. I'm not sure he'll outgrow that. I think for his whole life he's going to be one of those people who will give you a hug when you need one.
He seems to have taught himself to read, the decoding part anyway. He still loves being read to, and we are continuing our daily routine of "Max reads 5 books" which means he hears books from each of us and reads to one of us each day. We bought him the new Cat Kid Comic Club for his birthday and also got him a gift card to the bookstore, which he can't wait to use. I'm not sure about his spelling and handwriting. He can write notes and add things to our to do list, but he really balks any sort of writing assignment. I didn't even submit paperwork on him because school is not compulsory until the school year after they turn 6.
He is definitely the least schooled of any of the kids, so it's kind of interesting to see what skills and learning practices he develops on his own. He's very intuitive about numbers and computation, and works out a lot of problems in his head. He works on Khan Academy on his own sometimes. He is an enthusiastic participant in Poetry Teatime.... reading and sometimes even writing a poem, to share with everyone. He enjoyed his homeschool co-op classes in the fall, and was able to participate appropriately whether they were on zoom or in person. I don't have any solid assessment data points to know that he is 'on the right track' but I also feel super confident that he's doing fine. Maybe that is just part of the homeschool journey, you start to trust your intuition more?
He loves playing Minecraft with the older kids, pretty much any board game with Marko, riding his bike, hiking and running around in the woods with friends, and cooking.
His bedtime routine is to take a melatonin gummy, brush his teeth, and listen to a story or snuggle in his bed with either M or me. He's almost always awake by 6:30, and eats a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast every day. He has not lost any teeth yet.
I am such a different kind of parent to him at 6, than I was to Laurel when she was 6. I ponder this a lot, but I wonder how it will turn out in the end.
12/09/2021 09:01:00 PM
November is Almost Over (already??!!)
11/27/2021 03:44:00 PM
Modge-podge All the Things
Last week, we went on a lantern walk with some homeschool friends. To prepare, we decorated some plastic containers from our recycling bin with colored paper and leaves, and then modge-podged the heck out of them. Our headlamps fit perfectly inside the lanterns and by screwing the lids on, the headbands even made a nice handle. The weather was really lovely that night, clear with a sliver of a moon and many visible stars, even in a city park. On the walk home through the park, it was only about 6:30, but pitch black in the woods. Walking in the dark can be unnerving, but the cheerful colored lights from the lanterns made it feel much less scary. Max observed that his feet work differently in the dark. We were hoping to hear an owl, but only saw deer. We liked the whole experience so much we went on another lantern walk the following night, this time with our next door neighbors, and all week we lit the lanterns in our living room each night when the sun goes down...which is super early this time of year!
The kids learned lots of things about bone health and healing from my mom, who prepared a bunch of wonderful anatomy lessons for them.
11/14/2021 06:53:00 AM
Sick Day
It's bound to happen occasionally...somebody is sick and you have to cancel plans. Nobody here is very sick, but there are enough symptoms to stay home. I appreciate participating in a community where people take this seriously. This is a major bummer because Thursdays are the one day we have in person classes for everybody and we meet at a lovely park outside of the city and then go for a horse riding lesson after. It's been a wonderful routine this fall. M is out of town on a business trip right now, but normally he would be baking pizza from scratch so that it is ready when we get home from our day out.
10/28/2021 11:30:00 AM
Confront Your Fears
The weather was terrible at OC this year. Pretty much the complete opposite of Western States....cold, rainy, epic mud. We weren't too bothered by the conditions, as we had a cozy tent to sleep in and were volunteering in the aid station, under cover. It was definitely a slogfest for the runners, though. It was great to see some friends, and I also had a chance to talk in person to a lot of people who messaged me on Facebook over the summer. It's really different to go to a race when you aren't waiting for a runner. When the boys got tired, I just took them to the tent and put them to bed. So many people dropped out of the race, that there wasn't a lot to do at our aid station. But it definitely still had that ultra vibe. People huddled around the fire all night, the kids made signs, somebody had a cow bell.
10/19/2021 07:36:00 AM
Got the car back....again
Shortly after returning from Reno the second time, the transmission in our Yukon broke. For reasons related to an internet misunderstanding over the location of a horse riding lesson, I was with the kids way out in the country at the time and after failing to get AAA to send a tow truck, and also failing at getting an Uber to drive us to Pittsburgh (basically expected, as I only have one review and it's from Reno), I limped the car into a dealership in the town of Washington, PA.
10/09/2021 08:12:00 AM
Refining It
10/05/2021 06:39:00 AM
Is Homeschooling a Lot of Work?
This question comes up a lot. It doesn't really feel like it at the moment. It actually feels like the lazy way out sometimes. Today is really rainy and gray. Everybody slept in and is in a little bit of a funk. But so what? Eat a leisurely breakfast and get started when you are ready. Instead of getting far behind when we need a slower day, we have it built in so you always feel like you have a little wiggle room if something goes wrong. Believe me, this approach saved our sanity this summer when everything was going terribly wrong. It is the polar opposite of our pre-pandemic life. I was always yelling at someone to hurry up and stuffing kids into car seats while cursing the constant missing shoe.
9/28/2021 07:50:00 PM
Closing Out the Summer
M and I managed to fly to Reno and drive our car and camper back with good weather and no craziness. It was so uneventful I don't even have much to write about. We were able to stop in Truckee to say hello to some folks at the RV park, and to get one last Truckee Tracks ice cream cone at Little Truckee Creamery, and bought way too many books at Word After Word. The skies were even pretty clear up there, although everything is crispy dry. The smoke was heavy all through the Great Basin, but once we got over the Wasatch it cleared up a lot. We hit a little rain in Wyoming and a little wind in South Dakota, but for the most part it was easy driving and the Yukon handled the Winnebago really well.
9/09/2021 07:21:00 AM
Fall is coming and some Kidney news
I just logged off the orientation for the homeschool co-op we just joined. I did not plan to join a co-op because I thought we would be traveling to amazing places all fall and winter (I've had my heart set on returning to St. Augustine for years). But after the craziness of this summer, we all thought it might be good to hit pause on the travel-schooling. When I submitted my application to the co-op, M was still on dialysis and even a weekend away seemed impossible. I am happy to report that his kidneys are doing great. He will have a lot of monitoring over the next few months to make sure he's fully recovered, but as for right now, dialysis is a thing of the past and he's free to put salt on his food again (thank goodness). He can even do some light exercising again (also thank goodness for that). Next up is to wean off all the prescription medications he was put on during his hospitalization.
8/26/2021 07:30:00 PM
An Odyssey
Taking the kids to a play has been on my list for a long time, but the pandemic put a damper on this for the last year and a half. Last week, I saw an ad for a production of the Odyssey that was being performed outside. My kids are all very familiar with the story, so I decided to take a chance and bought tickets for all of us to go. It rained all week here, but the skies cleared on the afternoon of the play. We took a picnic dinner to the park and watched a beautiful sunset right before the play started. This version of the Odyssey was told from the perspective of the female characters, and Odysseus was not really portrayed as the hero he usually is. They performed on an ice skating rink and the audience sat on bleachers for a slightly elevated view. There was no intermission and it was almost two hours long, with the final scene involving the entire cast and audience leaving the rink and hiking up a hill to see Odysseus reunite with Penelope. It was amazing! The kids followed every word closely, leaning forward in their seats and laughing and clapping along with the audience. All three kids know the stories from the Iliad and Odyssey pretty well, as well as Greek Mythology in general, so they were well positioned to understand an alternative perspective on the story. I didn't really know anything about the company, Quantum Theatre, but they are known for their progressive story-telling and using unusual spaces for performances.
In terms of Covid safety, they did say that all cast members were all vaccinated and that unvaccinated people should wear masks. The seats were movable and we were encouraged to "pod" up our seats by moving them closer together and leaving space between parties. The whole thing was outside.
8/21/2021 08:37:00 AM
And So We Walk
Our summer travel itinerary is usually defined by trail races, or training for trail races. Necessary features of a campground for us were always more about the proximity to a minimum of a few thousand acres of state forest than any type of amenity like hookups or cable! Running is life, must find trails. I rolled my eyes sometimes when M would nix a place I thought looked cool because it only had 10 miles of trail. But for the most part, this parameter took us to really beautiful places that had good hiking, fishing, wildlife viewing and less crowded places to camp. On our last road trip we opted to stay 25-50 miles off the freeway and even though this added slightly to the travel time, I would do it again.
8/19/2021 10:00:00 AM
Solo Time With the Kiddos
8/07/2021 09:28:00 AM
Homeschool for the Next Year
I'm taking a break from thinking about renal failure because, you know, life goes on and one must continue to raise children, figure out school, track down the checks your city's tax collector never cashed and mow your grass. Especially in Pittsburgh, in July. The weeds are out of control!
7/31/2021 10:15:00 AM
The Lows Are Low
There was a small plane crash in Truckee yesterday, very close to the playground where we hung out at a lot. If I were still there, it would definitely have felt like another apocalyptic sign, like when a brush fire ignited on the mountain next to Boomtown a few days before I was set to move the camper there.
7/27/2021 07:20:00 AM
Let Me Catch You Up....
7/19/2021 09:50:00 AM
Sister Time
6/14/2021 08:59:00 PM
Homeschool - How is it going?
6/11/2021 08:14:00 PM
Truckee Life This Week
The past week has been a whirlwind of activities, or at least it felt like that...I'm not actually sure we did all that much. It just felt like a lot because we are not used to hanging out with other people. My friend Leah came to Truckee with her family for a week. They rented a cabin not too far from our campground and we spent lots of time hanging out, sharing meals, hiking, swimming at the lake, playing video games, and building puzzles. It was totally crazy, because there are even more kids than there were during our last cabin vacation two years ago....she had a baby in November, so now we each have 3 kids. Our previous two cabin meet-ups took place in Pennsylvania as they have family in Philadelphia. Those cabin trips were characterized by cool, gloomy weather, with some epic rainstorms and flooding. We spent a lot of time trying to light wet campfires. This time, the weather was very dry (no fires allowed here!), but varied widely in temperature. It was 90 degrees last week one day, and last night, it dipped to 35! It's so funny to me that we have our down coats and bathing suits out at the same time. They left today after we had one last playdate at the Truckee Regional Park. It is cool and partly cloudy with gusty wind, and her baby fell asleep in my arms while I was carrying him around the playground. I was surprised at how fast he warmed up to all of us and let him hold him. Her almost-four-year-old has grown so much since we were last together. He said so many hilarious things and was fun to play with. Her oldest is just a little older than Marko, and plays very well with both Marko and Laurel. My kids really wanted to learn how to play Dungeons and Dragons and while we were not able to get a full game going, he did help them with character development and understanding how it works. It is amazing to me that Leah and I have been friends for 17 years, that we have all these kids now, that our spouses are so similar and get along well and that we managed to pull off another transcontinental reunion, despite the pandemic.
6/09/2021 06:47:00 PM
Life in 20 Foot Travel Trailer
Well, we have been in the rPod for a month straight now and people constantly have questions about how we make it work. First of all, we chose this camper for its size, because 3 years ago we had a Toyota 4Runner and this was pretty much the most it could tow. We have a larger vehicle now, but we continue to appreciate the small size because we can always find a campsite, we can pull into almost any gas station and maneuver easily around the pumps, and it's very easy to keep it cool or hot. I had my doubts about how we were going to keep food for a longer trip, but it turns out the 3 cubic foot refrigerator is pretty adequate, and we have gone at least a week between grocery shopping at times. I did have to take out the freezer compartment, so we don't have ice.
6/07/2021 06:48:00 PM
Truckee, CA
Memorial Day weekend was very exciting, with M having his Western States training run and all sorts of people coming into the area. Now Truckee is pretty empty again and we are settling into our campsite here, just outside of town. There is a bike path that goes from where we are staying right into the business district and the kids and I have used it to walk into town for ice cream, to go to playground and to the farmer's market. We've been doing lots of beach time at Donner Lake and fishing and hiking in whatever patch of woods we stumble upon when walking or driving around - which is basically any direction you go in. We tried out a few local restaurants for takeout. We met some of our neighbors at the campground, and Laurel likes to take the cat on a walk in the evening, which always attracts a little attention. M met some local runners and will hopefully be able to go on some group runs.
6/02/2021 05:19:00 PM
Loneliest Road
We had 5 days to make it through Nevada, and decided to follow Route 50, also known as the loneliest road. Many years ago, M and I took a car trip down historic Rt. 66 and we loved all the old motels and weird road side attractions. Route 50 isn't as kitschy, but still has some historic buildings. Mostly it is known for wide stretches between services. We filled up our gas, propane, and freshwater tanks before heading out. Our first stop was Great Basin National Park. Even though it was a weekend, the campground was pretty empty and we snagged a spot with a view of Wheeler Peak. The kids and I did some short hikes and they earned their junior ranger badges and M got a few good runs in. We did not find the 4,000 year old bristlecone pine! The conditions at the top of the mountain were a bit too extreme for us to do the 5 mile hike (25 degrees and snowing).
5/27/2021 11:20:00 AM
We Made It!
We made a last minute decision to wash the car and camper at one of those big rig truck washes. You pull into an enormous bay and a team of people armed with power washers and brushes scrubs everything. We are all still looking pretty grubby, but the vehicles look nice from the outside. We're celebrating with takeout hamburgers and hot showers.
Part I of the road trip is complete. We had a great time camping in Ohio, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah and Nevada.
Part II is parking in Truckee, CA until the end of June. M is doing the Western States training runs this weekend and he will run in the trail race next month. We'll be exploring the area, meeting up with some friends and family, finishing our homeschool paperwork for this year and launching our next school year. M just started a new job a few weeks ago so he'll be ramping up with that and, of course, running.
Part III will be getting back to Pittsburgh someway, somehow. We haven't made any plans yet, except a general intention of heading north to beat the heat.
5/26/2021 10:00:00 PM
A Very Windy Birthday
We left Hanksville early in the day in order to arrive at our next campground in time for M to log on for some work meetings. There was a high wind advisory, which meant a lot of dust blowing around and difficulty driving high profile vehicles. It's times like these that we are happy we have weight distribution bars on our hitch, even though our trailer is small. We took the road back through Capitol Reef National Park, which is an absolutely gorgeous drive. On the way through, we stopped at the petroglyphs site, since M missed that when the kids and I went the other day. We drove two lane roads through Utah, stopping at a little grocery store, before heading up the hill to Palisade State Park. The campsites circle the lake, but it was so windy we couldn't even sit outside! The kids played at the playground for a while, but soon took shelter in the car, making themselves a video game lounge. I tried to eat a salad for lunch on the picnic table, but the leaves blew right out of my bowl! Later in the evening, the wind came to an abrupt stop, and the waves on the lake calmed down. I took a sunset walk on the loop around the lake and was delighted to receive some birthday calls from friends and family.
5/22/2021 12:00:00 AM
Slot Canyon
M read about a slot canyon hike that was pretty accessible and we decided to all go up and try it. Little Horse Canyon is just outside the Goblin Valley State Park. From one parking area, there was a loop hike of about 6 miles. M planned to set out from one direction and we would go from the other, and turn around whenever we ran into him. It was 90 degrees and extremely windy, which also means extremely dusty. However, we thought that if we went into the canyon it would be less windy and also that if we went later in the day, there would be shade. On the way up there, we discovered that perhaps our air conditioning in the car wasn't working well. It felt very hot and perhaps a little dumb to head out into the back country in separate groups, with some hikers being rather reluctant at the beginning. We could only get them out of the car by bribing them with post-hike milkshakes and burgers. I wet some bandanas and tied them over the kids' faces to block the dust. M set out on his run.
5/21/2021 12:00:00 AM
Who Lives Here? Who Lived Here?
These two questions provide a good framework for homeschooling while traveling, and whenever I feel like our experiences are getting a little too strange and random, I return to them for context. Many current events like climate change and politics can be better understood by getting a taste for the geography and economy of different areas.
5/19/2021 02:41:00 PM
Colorful Colorado and Long Drive Days
We drove up and over the Colorado Rockies and into Utah in one go. Ideally, we would have spent more time in Colorado, but we needed to make it into Utah for the work week. We took full advantage of the KOA stay in Central City, arriving exactly at check in time. M got to run in the mountains twice, directly from the campsite. The kids loved playing at the playground and using the campground's wifi to stream a movie and do a watch party with their friends back in Pittsburgh. I took a walk around the campground to admire the scenery. Later M and I had a real wood campfire. When we left in the late morning, we knew it was going to be a long drive day, but the I70 was much slower than we anticipated. The mountains were gorgeous, but Colorado is so crowded! Rest areas were packed, there were hardly places to pull off and park without navigating a traffic jam (it was a gorgeous spring Sunday). We have learned the hard lesson of not stopping frequently enough many times, and we had to learn it one more time on this drive. The kids were really grumpy and argumentative - probably actually just hungry and needing to run around. The road was pretty rough for an interstate and one of our fenders partially detached. We stopped for groceries and did a quick removal and duct-tape/splicing of the wires job in the parking lot, but we need to figure out how to get a more permanent fix.
5/17/2021 04:29:00 PM
First Harvest Host and camping at 9,000 feet
We stayed at our first Harvest Host last night and it was quite an experience.
5/15/2021 07:25:00 PM
We made it to Kansas! It felt like a big goal to drive over 1,000 miles in three days, but it happened without too much stress. We didn't get an early start on any of the days, and ended up pulling into the campgrounds just before sunset each night. We had general goals of where to get to each night, but we shifted these a bit, based on weather, which was not great. We joked about "following the brown signs" since we have stayed at state parks every single night. The first night we got a late start from Pittsburgh and even managed a last minute visit to M's parents on our way out of town. Not on the way at all, but it still worked out. We made it across Ohio and stayed at Hueston Woods State Park. The second night, we made it to Saint Louis and stayed in Cuivre River State Park. And then finally on Sunday, we pulled into Kanopolis State Park in Kansas, where we stayed for 3 nights, so M could work and we could rest a little bit. Just as we arrived, another homeschooling family pulled into our loop! They were traveling east, so it was fun to have playmates and someone to talk about curriculum and schedules. On Wednesday, they headed east and we moved over to Lake Scott State Park, still in Kansas, with a pit stop in Hays to do laundry and buy some beer from Defiance Brewery.
5/13/2021 05:45:00 PM
Road Trip Prep
5/05/2021 06:23:00 PM
We're putting on the finishing touches on our portfolios and wrapping up all the obligatory paperwork for the school year.
We started a routine this year we called "Max reads 5 books" (original, I know). We each have to read to him and he reads to one of us, his choice. A very simple daily task, but with many layers. M usually reads to the kids at night. This winter it was Cat Kid Comic Club over and over again, when they were not reading terrifying Norse myths, or memoirs about ultra-running. (The kids loved Born to Run.) Laurel and Marko read graphic novels to him. Pokemon and Minecraft, mostly. I read picture books, the ones with lyrical text that rolls off my tongue, that I read about on literacy blogs. Or sometimes a few pages from one of our references books. He reads Cat Kid Comic Club to us. We have all grown to love the characters of Cat Kid Comic Club.
5/03/2021 04:06:00 PM
#CamperLife Trial Runs Part 1 and 2
We just finished our second of two shake-down trips to test out our camper's systems after a winter in storage, and to try out some recently purchased equipment. The first weekend was at Laurel Hill State Park and the second was at Hyner Run State Park. These are two places that we love and know very well, so it was fun to see some familiar sights and faces. We've been going up to Hyner Run in the spring for many years and the same mother-daughter camp host team is always there. Laurel Hill is our go-to spot for a quick weekend getaway since it's only about an hour from where we park our camper. There were days of nice weather on both trips, but it's not particularly warm yet, and we had rain or snow on both trips. At Laurel Hill we had full hookups and flushed and sanitized the tanks, watched a movie on our dvd player and baked cake in our convection oven. At Hyner, we had no hookups, but there is a water spigot in the park where we could fill up our fresh water tank. The solar panels worked great to keep our batteries charged up, even camped in a hemlock grove in a holler, as we were. The waste tanks were pretty full by day 4, though. We could have stretched it to another night, but only if we were really careful and nobody took a shower. The propane tank powered the furnace, water heater and refrigerator without problems. We did have a spare tank with us, but didn't need it. I don't think we'll carry an extra tank when we drive to California, but we need a way of reliably measuring what is left. M just found a scale you can use, which should be pretty accurate. Still, if we were in a sunny place, I think it would be pretty easy to keep the fridge going on battery setting if we had our solar panels set up.
4/26/2021 06:19:00 PM
We're Done!
4/11/2021 11:06:00 AM
Happy Easter! Still a pandemic...
Well, it's been over a year of living during a global pandemic, and the holidays keep ticking past. It's super strange to not see our extended families, but we have managed to have a good time by ourselves...and developed some new traditions along the way.
4/04/2021 09:30:00 PM
Books and Movies and Takeout
Day of rest! I actually felt like I really rested from work today. I made a dutch baby pancake with apples fried in butter and cinnamon for breakfast. It really puffed up today. It rained hard all morning, which did not stop the kids from playing outside with the neighbors. They dug some holes in the yard and got extremely wet. They are still working through the bottles of bubbles that Marko bought everyone last week. They like to blow a whole bunch at once and swing at them with tennis rackets. I stayed inside and read a book almost all day. M went for a run. We ordered food from the Turkish restaurant down the street for dinner and took a short walk to pick it up.
2/28/2021 10:18:00 PM
Girl Scout Outing
We have somehow managed to keep our Girl Scout troop going for an entire year of pandemic restrictions! We alternate virtual meetings and in-person outdoor activities. Today we met for some bike riding at a local bike track. It was raining at first, but luckily it cleared up quickly. The girls had fun just riding bikes around, and we briefly chatted about our upcoming service projects....seed balls for a community pollinator garden.
2/27/2021 09:16:00 PM
Closing Out the School Month
We have school "months" more than we have years or quarters. We do not do any grades. I will record percent mastery for things like a math test where you can definitively count correct answers, but otherwise, we are mostly just collecting completed work to demonstrate mastery. For a while I tried to plan quarters or seasons, but I am best at setting reasonable goals for a four week period. Yesterday I spent a little time reading over the Pennsylvania standards for social studies to see where we are at. Current events are certainly providing a lot of fodder for discussions about "identifying the requirements to vote in local, state and national elections" or "explaining the effects of physical systems within a community."
2/26/2021 05:20:00 PM
Road Trip!
Splitting up the kids creates new and wonderful (and peaceful) dynamics. Today I took Marko and Laurel on a mini-road trip and Max stayed home with M. The most notable difference was apparent to me immediately...the car was so quiet! Laurel and Marko were both instructed to bring as much schoolwork as they thought they could accomplish, plus recreational reading. I also told them to pack snow clothes. We headed for Elk County to deliver some Girl Scout cookies to Cousin Sam, and then went to Parker Dam State Park.
We listened to the entire Galentine's Day playlist (think lots of Beyonce) and looked for signs of elk. Laurel worked through several pages of math fractions. Marko mostly read books. They ate our popcorn snack without spilling it everywhere. On the way home, we got a message that Laurel's new glasses were in so we stopped by to pick them up.
2/25/2021 09:33:00 PM