

I've been making some pocket money by answering ads on Craigslist. There are some very interesting jobs out there. I can't apply for this one, but I hope, I hope I am invited to this wedding.


Unknown said...

perhaps i could find a midget costume somewhere...

k said...

I actually had you in mind, Jack, as the most midget-like of all my friends.

Anonymous said...

the post was flagged for removal. now i'll never know!


k said...

Darn, I knew I should have copied that ad into my post. I'm sort of surprised that it was flagged for removal. Asking for midgets to apply to officiate your Halloween wedding does NOT seem that inappropriate to me. I mean, where else are you going to advertise for that kind of thing?

Unknown said...

i found a tailor willing to make me a midget costume. i took the job. that is why they took the post down.