
I Did A Bad, Bad Thing

How did I end up here...a teacher who doesn't believe in school?

Let me clarify. I love to read. I believe in teaching reading. I believe in teaching. I believe in learning.

But I think school might just be a very bad idea.

Today, while I was lining up my students to get on the bus, one of my cutest, youngest, and least conformed students came trotting over to the line, a joyful bounce in his step.

Go back and walk, I said.

He went back...and skipped back to the line, joyful bounce still intact.

Go back and walk, I told him again. He looked sheepish.

He went back and started walking. And then the joyful bounce came back. He looked at me.

I can't, he said.

Yes you can, I told him. He took a few more steps. It looked painful. He took a few more. The joyful bounce returned.

I looked at him. His face crinkled up in the way that only a frustrated kindergartener's can.

Go back and walk.

He went back.

And walked to the line, bounce free. He sat down and played with his hat. I took roll and put them on the bus.

Another day, another dollar. Another free spirit squashed, thanks in part to me.


Anonymous said...

Did this ever happen to "you" at school?
Just wondering . . . .:)

Anonymous said...

Don't be so tough on your self Katy,
A little bit of structure and discipline is one way of showing that you care. Back in the day when I was a student corporal punishment and verbal humiliation were the norm. That was very traumatic and left big emotional and physical scars. My guess is that your students feel your passion for them and appreciate it. Of course I may be a little bit biased.
Love, Uncle Joe