
Hot, hot, hot

While I was on bus duty today, some of the kids started passing out jalapeno peppers to some unsuspecting peers.

That's a new one.

I'm not sure who should be punished...is it the kids who passed them out, or the foolish kids who ate them? And if it's the eaters, then haven't they been punished enough?

It raises some interesting questions about the boundaries between Prank and Crime.

In other news, our curtains are mostly up. They do make the place look a bit more, err, well-groomed? It's funny that in five years of living together, this is our first attempt at cohesive decorating. Our humble abodes usually contain an assortment of collectables and cast-offs...color coordination only occurs accidently.

Our goal this time was to create a comfortable space to relax in. But I have to say, it might have been a bit more relaxing to just stay at home in the first place, instead of gallavanting all over town for curtains and hardware.

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