

In response to the concerned comments of some readers, we are indeed inside for the weekend. At least most of it. Damascus has been quite welcome to us, and we're enjoying real food, beer, and beds, at least until tomorrow. We swapped out some heavy gear for some lighter stuff at both outfitters (thanks Mt. Rogers and Sundog) and decided to 'zero' (walk no miles) a second day, thus allowing sore knees (m) and feet (k) to heal up.

Barring something ridiculous, we're planning on heading out again tomorrow, and staying in the lower elevations south of Mt. Rogers / Grayson Highlands until monday, when it's supposed to stop precipitating. It'll be cold, but we've dealt with worse, and if the snow is bad we'll stay in town. Tuesday it's supposed to get warm again, too... For now it's back to the room for a nap, then to Dot's or the Baja Cafe for some foods and drinks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're staying.
Good Luck hiking on on Sunday or Monday.
Sunday night PGH is expecting snow. Only an inch or two overnight.
I've begun the seeding indoors for my garden--heirlooom tomatoes!!
and squash (I hope)
I've checked out your links. It looks like you're in good territory. Rest up!