Homeschool - How is it going?
6/11/2021 08:14:00 PM
Truckee Life This Week
The past week has been a whirlwind of activities, or at least it felt like that...I'm not actually sure we did all that much. It just felt like a lot because we are not used to hanging out with other people. My friend Leah came to Truckee with her family for a week. They rented a cabin not too far from our campground and we spent lots of time hanging out, sharing meals, hiking, swimming at the lake, playing video games, and building puzzles. It was totally crazy, because there are even more kids than there were during our last cabin vacation two years ago....she had a baby in November, so now we each have 3 kids. Our previous two cabin meet-ups took place in Pennsylvania as they have family in Philadelphia. Those cabin trips were characterized by cool, gloomy weather, with some epic rainstorms and flooding. We spent a lot of time trying to light wet campfires. This time, the weather was very dry (no fires allowed here!), but varied widely in temperature. It was 90 degrees last week one day, and last night, it dipped to 35! It's so funny to me that we have our down coats and bathing suits out at the same time. They left today after we had one last playdate at the Truckee Regional Park. It is cool and partly cloudy with gusty wind, and her baby fell asleep in my arms while I was carrying him around the playground. I was surprised at how fast he warmed up to all of us and let him hold him. Her almost-four-year-old has grown so much since we were last together. He said so many hilarious things and was fun to play with. Her oldest is just a little older than Marko, and plays very well with both Marko and Laurel. My kids really wanted to learn how to play Dungeons and Dragons and while we were not able to get a full game going, he did help them with character development and understanding how it works. It is amazing to me that Leah and I have been friends for 17 years, that we have all these kids now, that our spouses are so similar and get along well and that we managed to pull off another transcontinental reunion, despite the pandemic.
6/09/2021 06:47:00 PM
Life in 20 Foot Travel Trailer
Well, we have been in the rPod for a month straight now and people constantly have questions about how we make it work. First of all, we chose this camper for its size, because 3 years ago we had a Toyota 4Runner and this was pretty much the most it could tow. We have a larger vehicle now, but we continue to appreciate the small size because we can always find a campsite, we can pull into almost any gas station and maneuver easily around the pumps, and it's very easy to keep it cool or hot. I had my doubts about how we were going to keep food for a longer trip, but it turns out the 3 cubic foot refrigerator is pretty adequate, and we have gone at least a week between grocery shopping at times. I did have to take out the freezer compartment, so we don't have ice.
6/07/2021 06:48:00 PM
Truckee, CA
Memorial Day weekend was very exciting, with M having his Western States training run and all sorts of people coming into the area. Now Truckee is pretty empty again and we are settling into our campsite here, just outside of town. There is a bike path that goes from where we are staying right into the business district and the kids and I have used it to walk into town for ice cream, to go to playground and to the farmer's market. We've been doing lots of beach time at Donner Lake and fishing and hiking in whatever patch of woods we stumble upon when walking or driving around - which is basically any direction you go in. We tried out a few local restaurants for takeout. We met some of our neighbors at the campground, and Laurel likes to take the cat on a walk in the evening, which always attracts a little attention. M met some local runners and will hopefully be able to go on some group runs.
6/02/2021 05:19:00 PM